Mexican X Part X: What the Hex a ‘Latinx’?

David Bowles
10 min readDec 24, 2018

“Why do people keep writing ‘Latinx’? And yikes, how do you pronounce it?”

Alright, deep breath. Here comes the 10th and final edition of my Mexican X series for 2018. It’s a long one.

Let’s start with the land we all live on in the Western Hemisphere. There aren’t any perfect indigenous words to use. “Turtle Island” has been proposed as a term some members of First Nations in “North America” feel comfortable with for their continent, as it ties into their beliefs. But not all of them agree. As it’s a term from the Iroquois people…



David Bowles

A Mexican American author & translator from South Texas. Teaches literature & Nahuatl at UTRGV. President of the Texas Institute of Letters.